

    School Principal Message

    “Learning is finding out what we already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. We are all learners, doers and teachers”

    Richard Bach

    Education is not just about scoring marks, it is skill building. Let us prepare children to face the challenges of life .‘Life skills’ is the need of the hour. These skills are problem solving behaviours used appropriately and responsibly in the management of personal affairs and are acquired via teaching or direct experience by individuals and are used to handle problems and questions commonly encountered in daily human life. Parents and teachers are entrusted with the task of inculcating values, responsibilities, developing inter-personal skills, overcoming inhibitions. career planning, communication, daily living, home life, self care, social relationships, work and study skills, world of work, coping with emotions and mental health.

    Human life and basic values have taken a nosedive in comparison to our culture’s need for convenience and material goods. Children combat the influences of the media, television, cinema, mobile phones, music, which constantly sway the attraction of the latest fashionin front of their vulnerable minds and extended hands. we need to educate their innate worth as a unique human being. Education can inculcate respect for human values which inturn will prepare an individual for a peaceful life.
    Let us provide an atmosphere in the classroom and home where no one is judged by anyone else, every idea is welcomed, no one is laughed at, no one is fearful of harsh punishments, and no one is put down. Our classroom and Home should also be a place where children can make mistakes and still be cherished.
    A man may pass all his school and college exams with flying colours but should never fail in his life.

    Jai Hind!!!!